Stadium Directions

Colleton County High School Football

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From Summerville

  • Take Highway 17A from Summerville to Walterboro. Approximately 20 miles.
  • After you pass through Cottageville and then Round O you will come to a Red Light.  Turn left at the light. This is Highway 64/Robertson Blvd. .
  • At the light, take a right.  There is a Horizon Gas Station on the corner.
  • Follow this road until the 3rd road on the left to South Lemacks.  (There is a sign.) Follow this straight down until you run into the stadium.

 From Charleston

  • Take Hwy. 17 South from Charleston to Jacksonboro.  Approximately 25 miles.
  • In Jacksonboro, veer right onto Hwy. 64 to Walterboro.  Continue for about 15 miles.
  • At the first traffic light you come to in Walterboro go straight. There is a Horizon Gas Station on the right corner.
  • Follow this road until the 3rd road on the left to South Lemacks.  (There is a sign.) Follow this straight down until you run into the stadium.

 From I-95

  • Take I-95 Exit 57. (Highway 64)
  • Take Highway 64 EAST towards the city of Walterboro.
  • At the first traffic light you come to take a left.  (Intersection of Highway 64 and Robertson Blvd.)
  • Go straight through 2 lights.
  • At the 3rd light, take a right.  There is a Horizon Gas Station on the corner.
  • Follow this road until the 3rd road on the left to South Lemacks.  (There is a sign.) Follow this straight down until you run into the stadium.

From Beaufort

  • Take Hwy. 21 West toward I-95.
  • At Gardens Corner take Highway 17 North toward Charleston.
  • Follow Highway 17 North until you come to Highway 303.
  • Veer onto Highway 303 West toward Walterboro.
  • Follow Highway 303 until you come to Highway 17-A.  Highway 303 ends here with a traffic light.  Take a right onto Highway 17-A (4-lane highway also known as Jefferies Blvd.).
  • Follow Highway 17-A to the first traffic light and take a left.
  • Follow this past the library to South Lemacks street.  Take a right onto S. Lemacks street and follow it to the stadium.

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